Tuesday, 30 November 2010

♥♥♥Paixão Segundo João Carlos Martins

Passion indeed.

( Parte 06 )


( Parte 07 )

( Parte 03 )

( Parte 03 )

Ah, crushed, is the term, yes, i know what that means. Colapso total. Yes. (BUT The difference is he can tell why, and I CAN'T. WHO can tell such a story?)
No momento em que eu vi você recuperar o título, eu pensei porquê que eu não posso voltar a tocar piano?
Assim !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

( Parte 05 )

( Parte 06 )

ver primeiro video

Entrevista no Jornal da Globo

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

The silence of having too much to say

When one can not say something because one has too much to say, this need not be punished. Needs to be respected. And waited upon patiently.
The whole world would benefit so much if we would wait for the slow ones. They are slow because they are fast.

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Art - religion, by Simone Weil

Simone traz-me Deus de volta:
"Hence all art of the highest order is religious in essence. (That is what people have forgotten today)". 
(Either i want to reach that art, or I can spare myself the effort.
To "want" that means to do everything necessary to become an instrument, and the way for women to reach this has maybe never been so difficult.)
"For, just as there is an art which is divine, so there is one which is demoniacal. It was no doubt the latter that Nero loved. A great deal of our art is of the devil.
Art will never be reborn except from amidst a general anarchy - it will be epic no doubt... it is therefore quite useless for you to envy Leonardo or Bach. Greatness in our times must take a different course. Moreover it can only be solitary, obscure and without an echo...."
Sometimes i think that i am more useful in religion then in art....

The chaos the anarchy the state of utter destruction and affliction that has overtaken me and my life, to the point that "God knows if there will be any more art at all coming out of these hands of yours my Lord".... all this maybe, is that anarchy that she said was necessary. Just like although i have some maps with good work, there's nothing like those small things of blood that i did... fresh at the suffering.

Monday, 8 November 2010

Stranger in a Strange Land Part III

Stranger in a Strange Land Part III

Skeptic Bible Study: Henotheism

"Elohim é plural.Além disso a própria Bíblia fala em muitos lugares de mais deuses.... "

O que nos aacontece se rejeitamos seguir um deus, um ser evoluidíssimo e muito poderoso que não é Deus ?
Eu já tive uma situação assim. É bem complicado!!!!!
A que chamo eu Deus? isto sim, são conversas interessantes.... como Ramakrishna que gostava muito de ponderar sobre estas coisas....e só falar disto....
Mas primeiro é preciso estar com ....

Prometheus (tree) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Prometheus (tree) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

it is probable that the tree was at least 5000 years old when felled. This makes it the oldest unitary (i.e. non-clonal) organism ever discovered, exceeding theMethuselah tree of the White Mountains' Schulman Grove, in California by two to three hundred years.

Andrea Echeverry abre su corazón

"Feminists are, as their name implies, opposed to anything feminine." Chesterton  From Come to Think of It